


【作者】 王素

【Author】 Wang Su

【机构】 故宫博物院 研究员

【摘要】 长沙东牌楼出土的东汉灵帝时期简牍,内容丰富,具有珍贵价值。本文选几件进行考释。首先是四件户籍文书。此前从未见过汉代严格意义上的户籍实物,它们填补了这一空白。其次是一件荆南频遇军寇文书,它首次反映了东汉末年荆南地区频发动乱的复杂形势。最后是一件李建与精张诤田自相和从书。这实际是一件关于民事诉讼可以“私了”的案卷。此前似乎从未见到关于民事诉讼可以“私了”的记载,它为民事诉讼可以“私了”提供了珍贵的案例。此外,这件案卷所见官员“画诺”,属于失传已久的“凤尾诺”,也具有非常重要的价值。

【Abstract】 The bamboo slips of the Emperor Ling of the Eastern Han Dynasty, excavated at the eastern archway of Changsha, have abundant contents and precious value. The article selects some to make a textual explain . hi the first place, the author introduces four census register documents, this kind of objects in stringent sense have never been seen before, so they fill in the gap. hi the second place, he provides a document records that troop bandits frequently appeared in the Southern Jing; it reflects the complicated conditions caused by the disturbances that occurred in the Southern Jing in late Eastern Han Dynasty. Finally, the author presents a document that bears Lijian contested a land lawsuit against Jingzhang, but they arrived at an agreement in private. In fact, this is a dossier on settling a civil suit in private. This sort of material hasn’t been seen ever, it provides valuable case to civil lawsuit. In addition, the official’s Huanuo, appearing in the dossier, belonging to Fengweinuo which lost for a long period, is of great importance.

  • 【DOI】10.13619/j.cnki.cn11-1532/k.2005.12.007
  • 【分类号】K877
  • 【下载频次】1008