


【作者】 张玉兰

【Author】 The Institute of Archaeology of Hangzhou The Institute of Archaeology of Lin’an

【机构】 杭州市文物考古所临安市文物馆

【摘要】 <正> 一前言唐末,钱镠平定江浙有功,唐昭宗任钱镠为镇海节度使。公元907年,后梁封钱镠为吴越王,自此钱氏吴越国成为偏安一隅的小国。钱镠为一世祖,其后为钱元瓘,钱弘佐、钱弘倧、钱弘俶,历三世五王,前后凡七十一年。

【Abstract】 Numerous tombs of the Qian,the royal family of the Wuyue State,have been disco-vered succesively round Hangzhou and Lin’an of Zhejiang province since the 1950s. Thepresent essay deals with the excavation of the Kang Mausoleum 11 km southwest of thecity of Lin’an. The tomb of three chambers is accessed by a ramp on the left of which is abrick draining ditch. The tomb has a rectangular plan. The fore chamber was built withbricks, both the middle and the rear one being double walled. The outer walls were builtwith bricks while the inner walls with stone plates. Bright mural paintings were found inthe chambers, showing peony, mythical animals, celestrial bodies and flowers. There areniches in the rear chamber housing twelve statues of gods standing for the twelve periodsof a day. Some fourty pieces of celadon among the burial objects are remarkable. Excavated jadewares are many in comarison with the previous yields from the tombs of Qian family,fil-ling up a missing link in the evolutionary chain of jadeware in this period. Mention should be made of a stone epitaph, which reads that the occupant of thistomb is a concubine of Qian Yuanhuan, the second king of Wuyue State in the period ofthe Five dynasties. Her maiden name was Ma, and she was buried in the fourth year of thereign of Tianfu in the Latter Jin period(939 A, D.).

  • 【DOI】10.13619/j.cnki.cn11-1532/k.2000.02.001
  • 【分类号】K878
  • 【下载频次】929